This Guide describes how to execute FINS commands for NJ-series CPU Units and provides NJ PDF precau-
tions NJ Manual for the use of FINS commands.
NJ NJ PDF for correct use are not provided.
Before NJ Manual you actually use FINS commands, obtain NJ PDF the user's manuals for the models that you are using,
read the precautions for correct use and other relevant information, and sufficiently test operation.
This Guide is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical systems
(an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
◇ Personnel that use FINS commands.
This manual covers the following products.
◇ NJ-series CPU Units
◇ CJ-series EtherNet/IP Units that are mounted in an NJ-series Controller
◇ CJ-series Serial Communications Units that are mounted in an NJ-series Controller
Intended Audience
OMRON NJ501/NJ301 Manual PDF.
>OMRON NJ Manual NJ501 Automattion NJ Manual Controller Manual PDF.