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OMRON CJ1W-CLK23 Catalog PDF datasheet Controller Link Unit

Product Model: CJ1W-CLK23
Brand: OMRON
Category: datasheet
File Size: 0.74MB
Download address: OMRON CJ1W-CLK23 Controller Link Unit datasheet
CJ-series Controller Link Units
New Controller Link Units, Now with CJ1W-CLK23 PDF 4,000 CJ1W-CLK23 datasheet Send Words
■The Controller CJ1W-CLK23 CJ1W-CLK23 PDF Link is an FA network that can CJ1W-CLK23 datasheet
send and receive large amounts of data easily
and at high CJ1W-CLK23 PDF speed. The Controller Link supports
data links that enable sharing data between
PLCs and computers and a message service
that enables sending and receiving data when-ever required.
■Systems can be flexibly built by using Repeater Units to enable T-branches, long-distaance CJ1W-CLK23 datasheet wir--ing, CJ1W-CLK23 datasheet and converting part of the network to optical cable.

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