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OMRON NE1A-EDR01 datasheet PDF Catalog

Product Model: NE1A-EDR01
Brand: OMRON
Category: datasheet
File Size: 0.19MB
Download address: OMRON NE1A-EDR01 EtherNet/IP datasheet
EtherNet/IP-DeviceNet Router
Allows a safety system to be monitored from NE1A-EDR01 PDF Ethernet.
◇The NE1A-EDR01 datasheet safety system can be remotely operated with a personal computer.
◇The safety system can also NE1A-EDR01 PDF be monitored NE1A-EDR01 NE1A-EDR01 datasheet NE1A-EDR01 PDF by an Ethernett-compatiible NE1A-EDR01 datasheet NE1A-EDR01 datasheet PLC of another brand.
◇UDP packet messages supported.

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