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OMRON SR106ED Catalog PDF datasheet

Product Model: SR106ED
Brand: OMRON
Category: datasheet
File Size: 0.46MB
Download address: OMRON SR106ED Monitoring Relays datasheet
Safety Expansion Unit
◇ Power requirements—the SR106ED SR106ED datasheet SR106ED PDF SR106ED will accept 24 VAC/DC.
◇ Outputs—the SR106ED has 3 N/O delayed outputs SR106ED PDF to route power to the coils of power SR106ED datasheet contactors (delay selectable from 1 to 30 sec.).
◇ SR106ED PDF Auxiliary Output—the SR106ED has 1 N/C auxiliary for monitoring by the safety monitoring relay.
◇ PLC Compatible—The N/O off delayed output makes it possible to use the SR106ED on machines with Programmable Logic Controllers that
require some time to execute an orderly shutdown.
Safety Monitoring Relays
OMRON SR106ED Instruction sheeet SR106ED datasheet PDF,. User SR106ED datasheet Information OMRON SR106ED Instruction sheet PDF.

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