M12 Molded
XS2 Sensor I/O XS2 PDF Connectors XS2
User-Friendly, XS2 datasheet Watertight Connectors for Industrial Automation Equipment Reduce Wiring and Maintenance.
*Surpasses XS2 PDF IP67 requirements and ensures XS2 datasheet 94V-0 fire retardant rating.
*Quick disconnect XS2 PDF simplifies maintenance and reduces down time.
*Extension cable has one female socket,one male plug.
*Single-end I/O connector has a female socket with attached cable.
*Double-ended connector comes with a socket (female) on one end and a plug (male) on the other end.
OMRON XS5/XS2 datasheet and Catalog XS5/XS2 PDF.
XS2F-M12 PDF OMRONN XS2 datasheet XS2F-M12 datassheet XS2 datasheet and Catalog.
OMRON XS2 Catalog PDF datasheet.