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OMRON V-10-4A4 Price V-10-4A4

Brand: OMRON
Country: Japan
Product Name:
Model: V-10-4A4
Price(Just for reference): USD$ 0
Inquiry: Inquiry
Related models: V-10-4A4-T
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OMRON V-10-4A4 Introduction
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RFID System (Conforms to SEMI standard, Electromagnetic Inductive 134 kHz)
V640 V640 PDF Series V640 V640 datasheet RFID V640 PDF
Line-up Ethernet I/F model V640 datasheet newly. RFID system for Semiconductor applications, V640 PDF supports reading and writing TI (Texas Instruments) transponders
■ Conforms to SEMI standards (E4, E5, E99, E15.1).
■ Supports SECS commands ( via CIDRW Controller Model. V700-L22) .
■ Embedded Web browser function provides easy configuration and read/write testing (Ethernet type only).
■ Enhanced functions, TEST Mode / Detecting for CIDRW Head status .
■ Certified as radio by many countries: the USA's FCC, EU R&TTE directive, Canada's IC, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Isreal.
OMRON V640 PDF Manual Cidrw System,. V640 datasheet
OMRON V6400 V640 datasheet CCatalog V-10-4A4 Price PDF datasheet.
OMRON V640 PDF Manual.

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