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V-115-1C24 favorable price OMRON V-115-1C24 Price

Brand: OMRON
Country: Japan
Product Name:
Model: V-115-1C24
Price(Just for reference): USD$ 0
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OMRON V-115-1C24 Introduction
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R88M-K@, R88M-KH@
Accurax G5 servo motors
Servo family for accurate motion control. G5 PDF Power range G5 datasheet extended up to 15 kW.
◇ Standard and high inertia servo motor models.
◇ Peak torque Servo G5 datasheet G5 PDF G5 G5 PDF 300% of rated torque during 3 seconds or more depending on model.
◇ High resolution serial encoder provided by 20 bits encoder.
◇ IP67 protection in all models.
◇ Ultra-light and compact size motor.
◇ Low speed ripple and low torque ripple due to low.
torque cogging
◇ Various shaft, brake and seal options
◇ 230 VAC from 50 W to 1.5 kW
(rated torque from 0.16 to 8.59 Nm)
◇ 400 VAC from 400 W to 15 kW
(rated torque from 1.91 Nm to 95.5 Nm)
G5 OMRON Servo motors datasheet PDF Catalog.
G5 Manual And OMRON G5 PDF Users Manual,.. G5 datasheet
OMRON XW2C--20G5-IN16 G5 dattasheet V-115-1C24 Price datasheet and Catalog XW2C-20G5-IN16 PDF.

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