OMRON F3SJ-A2405N20 USD$4295.42.
OMRON F3SJ-A2420N55 USD$2926.25.
OMRON OMRON F3SJ-A2420P25-TS Price F3SJ-A2470N55 USD$2475.
OMRON F3SJ-A2495P20-01TS USD$5324.03.
OMRON F3SJ-A2460P25 USD$4764.31.
OMRON OMRON F3SJ-A2420P25-TS Price F3SJ-A2495N30 USD$3469.03.
OMRON F3SJ-A2405P20-TS USD$4322.64.
OMRON F3SJ-A2400P25 OMRON F3SJ-A2420P25-TS Price USD$4663.06.
OMRON F3SJ-A2495N20 USD$4436.81.
OMRON F3SJ-A2460P25-TS USD$4764.31.
There are two sensor types: F3SJ-E and F3SJ-B as follows:
? Easy Type
The model F3SJ-E PDF name is represented F3SJ-E Manual as F3SJ-E????P25.
The Easy Type can be easily used as it limits functions available
F3SJ as external F3SJ-E PDF test and lockout reset with
less F3SJ-E Manual Curtain F3SJ-E PDF Curtain F3SJ-E F3SJ-E Users Manual wiring (emitter: 5-wire, receiver: 6-wire)
? F3SJ-E Users Manual Basic Type
The model name is represented as F3SJ-B????P25.
The Basic Type offers more functions than F3SJ-E Users Manual the Easy Type, allowing you to select a system (basic or
muting) according to your application.
Functions available for each system are as follows:
◇Basic system
The default is set as basic system.
Functions: external test, lockout reset, interlock, external device monitoring, auxiliary output and
series connection.
OMRON F3SJ-E/F3SJ-B Safety Light Curtain Prod Cert PDF.
F3SJ-E datasheet and Cataloog F3SJ-E Manual OMRON F3SJ-E PDFF,. F3SJ-E PDF F3SJ-A2420P25-TS Price
F3SJ-E PDF Users Manual OMRON F3SJ-E Manual.
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