OMRON F3W-D052B 2M USD$407.64.
OMRON F3W-D052CP 5M USD$415.42.
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OMRON F3W-D052A-D 2M USD$271.25.
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OMRON F3W-D052UP 2M USD$477.08.
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OMRON F3W-D052D 1M USD$385.69.
OMRON F3W-D052U 2M USD$503.75.
OMRON F3W-D052BP 2M USD$378.61.
Picking Sensor
Compact, Resistant to Mutual Interference, and Ideal for Picking F3W-D PDF a Variety F3W-D datasheet of Parts.
◇Mounts to a parts rack and uses indicators to show parts picking procedures. F3W-D F3W-D datasheet F3W-D PDF Sensor F3W-D PDF Functions as a mistake-proofing Sensor.
◇Use either the built-in LED indicators or external picking indicators.
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