Time:2015-12-8 12:19:18
FRD-700 using
FRD-700 a two-speed, P4=40HZ,P5=10HZ,P79=2,P7\8=2S,P44\45=2S.When the high-speed 40HZ to the low speed 5HZ changes, will instantly appear to27HZ OL, then start up the inverter. Which
parameters are not set? Motor car isdriving large inertia
OL is sta FRD-700 to FRD-700 prevent over current, acceleration and deceleration timesetting is too low. Try great PR.22 see. Thank you.
Deceleratime FRD-700 is FRD-700 too long, set to 0.4S just fine, thank you