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2015 Schneider Electric rail transportation Innovation Summit was held in Suzhou
Article Source:Schneider Electric Update Time:2015-9-14

Suzhou, China, September 9, 2015 - recently, Schneider electric held in Suzhou to the "energy - efficiency + start the future" as the theme of the 2015 Schneider electric rail transportation innovation summit. The summit focused on urban rail transit development trend, Schneider Electric and senior industry experts, customers and partners and authority of the media to jointly explore the intellectualization trend of subway industry, operation and management, to improve energy efficiency and so on a series of issues, share of Schneider Electric in subway industry professional insight and best practice.


In daily life, the subway as a convenient way to travel, green people have paid attention to. In the city, with the development of the integration of urban rail transit and urban traffic, the subway has become an important link between the city and the construction of urban agglomeration. According to the national development and Reform Commission data, is expected to 2020 the State Council approved the construction of urban rail will reach 50 cities, urban rail traffic mileage will reach 6000 kilometers. The subway mileage increasing, the system is becoming more and more complex, the human traffic ambassador is safe, reliable, stable and efficient operation and management of the subway is becoming more and more prominent.


Schneider electric, senior vice president of China, the national sales business leader Cao Wei said: as the global energy efficiency management and automation in the field of business, Schneider electric deep insight into the rail transportation industry from all aspects of passenger and operator needs, with a wide range of reliable hardware and software products and complete service network, providing innovative solutions for the smooth and efficient operation of the subway to provide a strong guarantee. With the concept of networking, big data, mobile Internet, smart city, etc., we hope to work with customers and partners to seize the opportunity to bring together the digital trend of Rail Transportation Intelligent development."


Schneider electric rail transit solutions integrated in low-voltage power distribution system, integrated monitoring system, intelligent IMCC system, energy efficiency management system, photovoltaic power generation system, station and tunnel ventilation system, integrated security system and subway environment and equipment monitoring system (BAS system) eight systems, to bring customers:


Reliable power protection: the low voltage power supply and distribution system is the power system of the subway, which not only provides traction power supply for metro trains, but also provides the normal operation of the various subsystems (air conditioning systems, water supply systems, lighting systems, elevator systems, fire and security systems). Schneider electric to the stability and reliability of the product as the foundation, the integration of industry experience, to provide tailored solutions for the low voltage distribution of the subway, such as Blokset high reliability and low voltage complete sets of equipment, the quality of security and reliability, intelligent and flexible performance, becoming the first choice for rail line distribution program.


In order to ensure the safety of large traffic passengers, to maintain accurate passenger timetable, in line with the more stringent security standards, uninterrupted power supply (UPS) play a vital role. Schneider electric rail transportation industry critical power solutions to provide data center infrastructure, and key power design, solutions and enhance the utility power supply of various services.


Efficient operation: the subway integrated monitoring system based on the operation of the subway, control related equipment, and through the station central control of mechanical and electrical equipment of the high efficiency of automatic control, to achieve the subway fast, comfortable and convenient. Schneider electrical integrated monitoring system solutions include,


Process oriented, service life cycle of the new inverter VSD, standing in the height of the process control, maximize the optimization system energy efficiency.


BAS system for the full PLC products and solutions for the station and the mechanical and electrical equipment for automatic monitoring and management, for passengers and operators to provide a comfortable environment, save energy, reduce operating costs.


Schneider electric Scada software system platform to achieve power monitoring, station loop control, passenger information system (PIS), operational command system (TCC), network control system (NCC), and other functions and systems integration.


Security: Metro integrated security system to ensure the safety of the passenger. Schneider Electric's Pelco brand to provide comprehensive video surveillance solutions. From the front the camera HD and reliable to stable, open and flexible back-end management platform, advanced and reliable intelligent analysis algorithm, to ensure the safe operation of rail passengers safe and easy travel to escort.


Energy efficiency station need to effective energy management solutions to deal with the challenge of the environment and energy, transmission and distribution system of reliable, efficient, low cost operation. Schneider electric green railway station energy efficiency management system closely integrated with the characteristics of the green station, provide customized energy efficiency management solutions. The production, transmission, distribution and use of power can be analyzed to improve the quality of power.


From the Beijing metro line ten, Shenzhen metro line three to the Chengdu metro line, etc., thousands of electrical equipment from Schneider is China's various subway line in good operation. With the development of new urbanization, the city group, "45" during the subway industry will usher in a new opportunity. In the face of the growing demand, Schneider Electric will be adhering to the "energy - efficient +" concept, the integration of digital, automatic and intelligent technology, to help the subway industry in ensuring the premise of public safety to improve efficiency and achieve sustainable development of green.

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