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2015 industrial robots made the nice report card
Article Source:new strategies for robot Update Time:2016-1-22


Enterprise specific sales data from the point of view, the 2015 domestic robot enterprises compared to last year has made great progress, some enterprises have achieved good results, but problems is to increase sales, did not give an enterprise to bring more profit, single product gross profit in 2015 down 15%. Of course, 2015 also some new body manufacturers, the product is still in the research and application of the stage.



At present, the industrial robot initially formed to change a technology with the market situation, on the application of reliability and price, independent brand facing fierce challenges.2015 years, benefit to relevant policy support and the traditional industry transformation and upgrading of pulling, domestic industrial robot market realized stable growth, make a beautiful "report card.



China is service robots have been accounted for 9% of the global total, by 2015, China's industrial robot market will reach 7500, up 36.6%, overall, the robot market demand increase only not fall. Under the lure of a variety of factors, the industrial robot industry development speed will be accelerated into the history of the second period of prosperity, or than the first wave will giant lie.



2015 benefit to relevant policy support and traditional industry transition upgrades stimulating, domestic industrial robot market achieved stable growth, 2015 on half of the total sales of industrial robots of 11275, an increase of 76.8%, according to sales than the diameter increase of 27%, 66.5% of last year's total sales amount. Is expected to 2015 domestic industrial robot sales volume will be more than 20000 units, an increase of about 40%.



From the product structure, coordinate robot and multi joint robot sales ranked the top two, respectively, accounting for 37% and 33% of total sales, which coordinate robot over last year increase over the same period 87%, multi joint robot up 91%, and has reached the last year's sales.



Total applications from the field of view, handling the feeding robot sales accounted for total sales of 53%, ranking first, an increase of 109%; welding and brazing robot sales accounted for 19%, ranking the second place, an increase of 32%. From the application industry, chemical materials and chemical products manufacturing, automobile manufacturing industry, rubber and plastic products industry and electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry is relatively concentrated, a total sales accounted for 58% of the ferrous metal smelting and rolling industry, education, rubber and plastic products industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, 3C, clothing, apparel industry and wine, beverage and refined tea manufacturing growth faster.



Enterprise specific sales data from the point of view, the 2015 domestic robot enterprises compared to last year has made great progress, some enterprises have achieved good results, but problems is to increase sales, did not give an enterprise to bring more profit, single product gross profit in 2015 down 15%. Of course, 2015 also some new body manufacturers, the product is still in the research and application of the stage.



2015 market development


Application market growing


2015 industrial robots except in the wide application of the automotive industry, in the electronic, food processing, non metal processing, consumer goods and wood furniture processing industry demand for industrial robots growth rapidly. With the development of industrial robot depth and breadth and the level of intelligent robots increase, industrial robot has in many fields has been applied. Extending from the traditional automobile manufacturing sector to the non manufacturing sectors. Such as mining robots, the building industry robot and hydropower system for maintenance of the robot. In national defense and military, medical and health, food processing, services and other areas of life of industrial robots is used more and more.



Product type changes


2015 industrial robots in the type of product development to earn enough eyeballs, along with the development trend of man-machine cooperation, then small robots almost become the core product of each enterprise development, the big four have released new industrial robots, robot cooperation, market based the are aimed at 3C electronics manufacturing industry. The robot body of domestic enterprises have also launched a new type of robot, six axis robot joints, SCARA robot become enterprises new selling point and market growth.


Industry consolidation mergers and acquisitions clearly


2015 industrial robot integration we summarize three kinds of modes. Industrial mode, investment mode, the mode of "enterprise fund". Three different patterns have a common theme, is in different constraint conditions and karma will, in different ways, from different directions, common to the combination of industry and finance, product management and capital operation of the interaction and cycles through, step by step implementation enterprise growth, promote industrial integration. At present, the development of China's industrial robots is a Nishajuxia, magnificent changes in industrial structure and system reengineering movement. It is not identified in the stable structure and rules under the background of economic operation.



Homogenization and price war


Domestic robot market just up on the smoke to make up, to 6kg about the six axis robot as an example, in 2015 some companies cut prices as much as 30%.



Core component constraints


In 2015 China robot situation is still very serious, which is the most typical of the lack of overall breakthrough in core technology. The core components of the robot is mainly divided into three parts: robot reducer, DC servo motor and controller. From the cost, the global robotics industry is about 35% of the cost structure, reducer, is about 20% servo motor, control system is about 15%, the machining body may only account for about 15%, the other part is the application. As can be seen, the speed reducer is a key factor restricting the industrial development of the robot, and the reducer of the core technology, almost a monopoly in two Japanese companies nabtesco (Nabtesco) and Hammer Nako (Harmonicdrive) on the hand, all the companies are working for Japanese enterprises. A higher proportion of imports of key components, led to the current domestic manufacturing cost is high. Especially the industrial robot Reducer, domestic enterprises to purchase the reducer price is nearly 5 times the price of foreign enterprises. Servo motor, controller and other key parts of the price was also significantly higher than that of the similar foreign products. The high cost of domestic robots, ontology, so domestic robot is difficult to form the price advantage, only an annual output of 500-1000 station, some economies of scale. Therefore, China if you want to form the robot industry, get rid of the constraints of the robot foreign enterprises, in the field of robotics winning the independent, must to the core components to accelerate the localization of the put on the agenda.



Industry Outlook:


Global industrial robot market demand continues to accelerate growth. Estimated 2016 demand for robots is expected to reach the continent in 2016:



First, the country's policy led, to promote industrial and service robot market growth.



Industrial powers the industrial policy of the robot, such as the German industrial 4.0, the new strategy of robots in Japan, the advanced manufacturing partnership program, national policy, 45 planning and < Chinese manufacturing 2025> etc., all into the development of the robotics industry is important connotation, will not only promote industrial robot market continues to grow, also led to professional and personal / family service robot market of rapid growth.



Second, the automotive industry is still the main users of industrial robots.


Now stage auto industrial manufacturers still is the largest user of the industrial robot, by 2014 the automotive industry robot density, Japan, Germany, the United States, Korea per 10000 personnel in using more than more than 1000 sets of industrial robots, while the mainland is 305 Taiwan. Due to Japan, Germany, the United States and the Republic of Korea is a big automobile industry, the future industrial robot main demand is still automobile industry.



Third, arms collaborative robot industrial robot market highlights.


With the continued growth of the cost of personnel, including personnel cost burden on assembly OEM manufacturers and small and medium enterprises relatively heavy, with population aging serious national labor shortage, causing arm collaborative robots become the lower personnel costs, increase the annual production efficiency and supplemental labor gap solution.2015 the Tokyo International Robot Exhibition, global robot manufacturers will vigorously promote the collaborative robot products.



< China manufacturing 2025> proposed "around the automobile, machinery, electronics, dangerous goods manufacturing, defense industry, chemical industry, light industry and other industrial robots, robots, medical and health services, family education, entertainment and other service robot applications, and actively develop new products, promote robot standardization, modular development, expand the market application." > < Ministry of guidance on promoting the development of the industrial robot industry is to refine the specific strategic objectives: to 2020, to form a more perfect system of industrial robot industry, foster 3-5 furniture international competitiveness of leading enterprises and 8-10 supporting industrial clusters; industrial robot industry and enterprise technological innovation capability and international competitiveness enhanced obviously, high-end market share increased to more than 45%, the robot density (per million employees using robotic units) of more than 100, basically meet the country Defense construction and national economic and social development needs ". Both from the top-level design or specific industrial planning, industrial robots have been great concern and support, development goals and the path is clear, development prospect is broad. Benefit from stimulation of the robot at home and huge market space and not good policy, capital market industrial robot plate listing, listing, M & a surging tide, capital, technology and market to accelerate the integration.


The integration of the above showed the following characteristics: listed companies to actively participate in overseas mergers and acquisitions, absorption of foreign high-quality core technology, to speed up the layout of the core components and the robot high-end market. China's capital market pure robot enterprise level PE keep for a long time in the 40-50 times, higher than the foreign 20-30 times the industry average level, provide a rich source of funding for the acquirer. Part of the listed companies take advantage of capital to accelerate the layout and expansion on the part of the core components and the robot high-end market competition.



The two part is the quality of small and medium-sized enterprises using the new three board listing financing, development opportunities, speed up the layout of the market in some segments of the industry, the development of differentiation. China has hundreds of applications for different segments of the industry robotic company, the robotic company usually rely on system integrators in a subdivision industry project experience to grow up, these companies are subject in cost, pricing and other aspects of disadvantage, often face a lack of funds, insufficient capacity, and with the construction of multi-level capital market in China, provides a path for financing and rapid development of the new third market for such enterprises, the next period of time, the gradual emergence of various industry segments in quality small industrial robot business.


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