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2016 industrial robot in the industry demand growth to slow
Article Source:securities times network Update Time:2016-5-9


align="left"> "2015 China industrial robot needs size reached 10.9 billion yuan, up 16% from a year earlier, the robot demand growth will slow further in 2016." High industry research institute, vice President of Luo Huan tower high robot said at the annual meeting in 2015.



His analysis of industrial robot is the main reason for the slowdown is the entire manufacturing situation is not optimistic, especially on the supply side under the background of reform, in 2013 to 2015, the introduction of a large part of the robot in a factory has not been timely digestion. "So, in 2016 the whole demand, we think there will be relatively a decelerating process."


GGII survey data show that domestic robot production scale in 2015 reached 1.64 billion yuan, the market share up to 15%, GDP growth of 55%. Demand is 2015 to 65000, among them, medium load, the robot growth will be faster, light load and heavy load the robot's growth is relatively slow, in 2016, we think this will continue to maintain growth, attitude.


Luo Huan tower analysis thinks, 2016 manufacturing environment remains depressed. In addition, the robot manufacturers at home and abroad in recent years the layout 3 c market, is expected next year will be heavily promoted the 3 c products market, competition will gradually increase.


"Including 3 axis and above, AGV robot domestic robots in 2015 sales of more than 16900 units, accounting for 30% of total sales." Anhui's Ceng Hui intelligent equipment co., LTD., deputy general manager said, domestic robot must from the low-quality low-cost competition "to upgrade to the" high-quality low-cost "competition, finally the strategy of" high quality, and the price is "target can be realized.


The robots "domestic enterprise has met a lot of problems in the industrial chain, are to be solved, such as the relationship between the industrial chain, system integrators concerns why introduce domestic robots, these are all we need to discuss and solve, robot is very poor in China? The key is domestic robot manufacturers do not have enough understanding, through the market trial and error to cause a loss of confidence." When the new vice general manager Zhou Shuo peng said.


Zhou Shuo peng believes that the German industry is about 4.0 system, China is a product, there is essential difference between. "The quality of the products don't pass cannot speak system, so the German industrial 4.0 is established on the basis of quality guaranteed, we still may not do it today."


deputy general manager of guangzhou CNC Li Boji believes that domestic robots need to practice internal work, break through the technical problems. Also need the assistance from external power and cutting-edge technology to domestic robot industry application. "Midea group, Shanghai electric, for example, they are constantly toward the outside, he had also cooperate with foreign acquisitions, speed up the process, China to achieve leapfrog development, there is no foreign power or not."

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