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Expert China robot is still in the concept stage too few competitive products
Article Source:first financial daily Update Time:2016-4-11

The national development and reform commission's official website announced on January 6, the sino-german (shenyang), high-end equipment manufacturing industrial park project (hereinafter referred to as "the plan"), China and Germany equipment garden "focus on development of intelligent manufacturing, high-end equipment, automobile manufacturing, industrial services and strategic emerging industries" and so on five big industries.


In terms of intelligent manufacturing, sino-german equipment park will focus on robot and intelligent equipment, material manufacturing and other industries. Among them, the robot and intelligent equipment including intelligent measurement and control equipment, intellisense, smart instrumentation, industrial equipment and service robots and other equipment and products.


Shenyang siasun robot automation co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "robot shares") is expected to benefit from it. 6 on the same day, in the broader market in 2.25% of cases, the robot is also close to 3.09%.


Main business for the robot and automation of complete sets of the research, development, production and sales of shares of robot released 2014 results show that: "in the second half of 2014, the company in shenyang wisdom garden construction robot automatic production line into the pilot phase, make the company automated production operation management onto a new level, the company is a domestic robot industry first combination will robots, intelligent equipment and information technology applied to the robot production line of the enterprise."


Results showed that "reversed transmission due to the artificial cost and the demand of the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing, industrial machinery industry into the golden age of explosion... after using robots to replace artificial can improve the work efficiency of 25%."


Based on robot market is very huge, robot shares in 2014 "operating income 152353.51 ten thousand yuan, up 15.50%; operating cost 97792.69 ten thousand yuan, up 11.61%".


But earnings also warned: "robots increasing market competition, the company's development in the new opportunities and challenges... international robot manufacturers into China in succession, the preemption in the Chinese market."


At present, the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea and other developed countries attach great importance to the robot industry development for a long time, countries have launched robot industry development strategic planning, and formed the pattern of monopoly in the world.


Robot shares the central institute of xue fang had earlier to the "first financial daily" said that the robot market of China is still at the concept stage to play, there is few really mature and competitive products.


Also from the domestic market challenge. China's desire to be caught up in the field of robot. China has successively set up the robot industry base several provinces and cities, industrial robots and complete sets of equipment have been presented explosive growth. Data show that by the end of 2014, the population has more than 4000 robots related enterprises.

Robot according to the results, "the company is the unique technology as the core... if the industrialization of technological achievements slower or new products can not be widely recognized, will affect the early stage of the company in the implement the recycling and company benefit and bring some pressure to the enterprise future business activities."


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