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Germany will contribute to the development of industrial standard 4.0 coordinating their global landing
Article Source:China economic NET Update Time:2016-8-19

align="left"> German industry and jointly announced the standardization authority in the field of 20, will be opened on the 25th of this month on hannover exhibition formal establishment standardization 4.0 "industry council", to put forward the relevant standards of industrial 4.0 digital products, and coordinate its in Germany and worldwide.



Industrial 4.0 is a national strategy put forward by the German government, the big concept contains solutions, industry and technology, describes the full use of information technology in the factory, and the future prospect of height between each system networking.


Germany's foreign ministry, said the German economy "4.0" future lies in industry. Germany hopes that by "digital agenda" to make its own a leading supplier of industrial 4.0 as well as Europe's leading by digital promote economic growth in the country. Studies have predicted that in the case of smooth development, by 2025, industrial 4.0 will probably bring growth from 200 billion to 425 billion euros.


Before this, Germany has published "industrial standardization road map" to 4.0. As the author of the concept, Germany hopes dominate the standardization process for the development of leading industry 4.0.


Participate in the establishment of the "industrial standardization council" 4.0 institutions including the German federal information economy, communication and media association (Bitkom), the German standardization institute (DIN), the German electrical and electronics and information technology commission (DKE), the German association of machinery and equipment manufacturing industry (VDMA) and German electrical engineering and electronics industry association (ZVEI).


Through the establishment of the council, Germany will form "4.0 platform industry", "industrial laboratory network 4.0" and 4.0 "industrial standardization council" three platforms to the situation of industrial 4.0 from Germany to the world.


"Industrial 4.0 platform" is in the German federal minister of economic and energy minister gabriel and federal actuarial-oriented wan was established under the sponsorship of card is responsible for the specific process of industrial 4.0 coordination mechanism, it has several special working group. However, the new industry standardization of 4.0 the council will not be attached to the 4.0 platform, the organization will set up within the German electrical and electronics and information technology commission.

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