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Industrial transformation in quality and efficiency
Article Source: the economic times Update Time:2016-1-15


As the "45" at the beginning of the year, 2016 industrial transformation to Moupian layout is very important. The Ministry of industry and information technology minister Miao Wei said, in order to ensure the steady growth of the industry under the premise, quality and efficiency will be this year's focus on the development of the industry of our country. And how to realize this goal? Through the recently held in the central economic work conference and the national industrial conference of job of informatization of is not difficult to see, build a manufacturing powerhouse. To upgrade the quality of the supply system of industrial, to accelerate the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries is one of three important starting point for the industrial transformation --



2016 is in China to promote manufacturing a crucial year for the construction of power. "In 2016, we should based on the manufacturing power, network power global strategy, efforts to promote structural reforms in the supply side, in-depth implementation of the < made in China 2025>, promote the integration of two of the depth, the military and civilian deep integration and information through industry restructuring and development, strengthen the management of the Internet and network information security, improve the quality of the supply system, efficiency and level, to achieve industrial communications industry steady growth and quality and efficiency." Miao Wei, Minister of industry and information technology said.




This means that in order to ensure the steady growth of the industry under the premise, quality and efficiency will be the focus of development of industry of our country in 2016; also means the continuation and implement of 2015 launched a series of important measures, including continue to promote Chinese manufacturing 2025, industrial structural adjustment steady growth increment benefit series of important measures, including continue to implement the network speed drop charges, "Internet action, a group of concerning the overall situation, long-term impact on the focus of the work.



Construction of manufacturing power and networking power


As the "45" at the beginning of the year, 2016 industrial transformation to Moupian layout is very important. Miao Wei, Minister of industry and information technology in the recently held a national industry and information technology work conference made it clear that, in 2016 to based manufacturing power, network power global strategy, in-depth implementation of the < made in China 2025>, improve the quality of the supply system, efficiency and level. Miao Wei put forward at the same time specific development goal: strive to achieve the above scale industrial added value increased by about 6%, energy consumption reduced by 4%, per unit of industrial added value to reduce water consumption by 4.5%; the telecommunications industry, the Internet industry, software and information technology services income respectively, an increase of 3%, 25% and 14%.



This goal is made in the 45 during the stylistic rules and layout, but also has a profound practical background. At present, China's industrial operation downward pressure great, there is a slowdown in the economy has not bottomed out, highlights the problem of excess production capacity, increase the enterprise production and management difficulties, the financial problems such as the increase of the potential risks. These problems is not cyclical, it is also difficult to through short-term stimulus to achieve a rebound. Therefore, it is necessary to do to fight a protracted war of preparation, appropriate to improve the shift speed reducing tolerance, strengthen the system power and life force, and strive to achieve the industry more high quality, more efficient, more sustainable development.



From this perspective, the construction of manufacturing power and network power goals have enriched the content of.2016 in promoting the construction of manufacturing power, China will focus on ten major areas of industry segments, and strengthen consultation and coordination between the provinces, to achieve differentiation and development. In the 5 echelon project for traction in key common areas and key industries to promote the overall level of the first breakthrough, upgrade the manufacturing industry. In the construction of the network power, the Ministry will be in accordance with the implementation of network strategy, national data strategy, "Internet +" action plan for the overall arrangements, focusing on accelerating the construction of infrastructure, promote interoperability, promote innovation and development of network economy, network security safety and other key tasks, accelerate the transformation and development of information and communication industry.



Improve the quality of industrial supply system



In the downward pressure on the industry to increase the situation, China's industry will be based on manufacturing power, network power strategy to improve the quality, efficiency and level of the supply system.



In China industrial economics recently held the annual meeting of China, Electronic Information Industry Association vice president and Secretary General Zhou Xi said that the supply side reform is to increase the supply of high-end industries, should focus on the development of electronic information industry, which is currently a good development trend, there is little overcapacity in the industry. Zhou Zixue believes that the main purpose the supply side of the reform is to improve total factor productivity, realize the upgrading of industrial structure adjustment, and ultimately increase the high-end industry supply. Zhou Zixue said, this is typical in the integrated circuit industry, in 2014, China's IC imports amounted to $218 billion 400 million, a serious shortage of supply, so as to supply the key the reform in the development object.



In fact, the construction of manufacturing power, network power supply system is to enhance the quality of industry. Also specifically mentioned in the Planning Ministry in 2016, 2016 will "implement the national outline IC industry to promote the development. Moreover, China will implement the intelligent manufacturing engineering support in 2016, high-end CNC machine tools and industrial robots. Additive manufacturing, intelligent sensing and control, intelligent detection and assembly, intelligent logistics and warehousing five key equipment innovation application. To continue the implementation of intelligent manufacturing pilot operations, identified more than 60 new model pilot demonstration projects. At the same time, the Ministry will deepen the development of" Internet "manufacturing innovation in this year, further promotion the integration of the two management system, strengthen the development of key technologies and supporting ability, actively implement the national data strategy, enhance industrial information security capabilities.



Accelerate the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries


In the central economic work conference held recently, "to capacity is first 2016 for the five major structural reform tasks. The meeting also made clear the" mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcy liquidation "ideas. So vigorously gasification solution excess capacity, thus speeding up traditional industrial optimization and upgrading and the 2016 industrial transformation upgrade is one of the key.


Our country in 2016 will pay close attention to the developed and implemented to promote industrial restructuring, disposal "zombie" companies to plan, coordinate the introduction of measures to support, adhere to the annexation and bankruptcy, proper placement of workers, guide the zombie companies smooth exit. To further optimize the merger and reorganization of enterprises, the market environment, and actively promote the broken bureau, strategic mergers and acquisitions. In this regard, the ministry minister Miao Wei said China will separate facilities strategy adjustment of the stock, formulation and implementation of the machinery, automobile, light industry, textile, electronics, building materials and other key industries to separate facilities policy special programs support difficult industry to accelerate the capacity, to the inventory, cost reduction, realize the upgrading of products, converting transition, make up deficits and increase surpluses.



To resolve the excess production capacity, our country through strict environmental protection, energy consumption, technology and other standards, taking advantage of the industrial structural adjustment of special awards and subsidies, increase the poor industry efforts to resolve the overcapacity. To carry out the iron and steel, cement, plate glass and other industries to resolve excess capacity pilot, and strictly control the new capacity, in accordance with the law in accordance with regulations deal with wind and approval of the expansion.



It is understood that to continue to accelerate the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure in our country, based on resolving overcapacity, 2016 will be the implementation of green manufacturing engineering, in cleaner production, energy saving, pollution control, recycling and other important sectors, the implementation of a number of major renovation projects and demonstration projects. At the same time, the implementation of the "planning to upgrade a transfer the road" strategy and the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei publishing industry, the Yangtze River Economic Belt innovation driven industrial transformation and upgrading plan, decided to focus on regional industrial transfer guide.


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