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Intelligent manufacturing technology can improve enterprise production capacity, but also may lead to excess capacity
Article Source:China Electronics News Update Time:2016-11-11

align="left"> "The last century in 90s, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the American scholars put forward a point of view, life science, nanotechnology, cognitive science and technology and information technology, the four technological set Qi, aggregation, crossover and fusion will lead the society, economy, science and technology in twenty-first Century." June 28th, Chinese Academy of Engineering Tan Jianrong in the 2016 China (Guangzhou) intelligent equipment and robotics industry development conference, said.


He said, looking back now, the four technological frontier is the nature of science and technology, their breakthrough will have a huge impact on the development of human society, but the leading role of the former three technology assessment is too high, too much hope. In contrast, the impact of information technology is huge, even beyond imagination.


According to Tan Jianrong introduction, in this context, the three strategic plan to revitalize the manufacturing industry in the world, is a national strategic plan for the advanced manufacturing industry proposed by the United States, including three priority breakthrough technology: intelligent manufacturing technology, perceived control technology platform, advanced materials, advanced manufacturing technology; Germany launched industry 4, on the three themes, namely smart factories, intelligent production, intelligent logistics; Chinese launched the "2025" China manufacturing, put forward three core issues, including digital manufacturing, network manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing. These three plans to make intelligent manufacturing as an important core content, visible the importance of intelligent manufacturing.


Tan Jianrong believes that many companies in the process of promoting intelligent manufacturing, the connotation of intelligent manufacturing, as well as the difference between it and digital manufacturing is still not very clear. In simple terms, digital manufacturing is the integration of digital technology and manufacturing technology, mainly used in digital technology to solve the problem of manufacturing. Digital technology including database technology, product modeling technology, virtual reality technology, manufacturing technology, product design, product processing, product assembly, manufacturing management, etc..


In the same way, we can understand the integration of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent technology and manufacturing technology, and intelligent technology to solve the problem of manufacturing.



Digital manufacturing is the foundation of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing is the promotion of digital manufacturing. Enterprises to lay the foundation for digital manufacturing before the implementation of intelligent manufacturing, in order to really do a good job on the basis of intelligent manufacturing.


For the development trend of intelligent manufacturing, Tan Jianrong believes that there are several points: first, the combination of intelligent manufacturing technology and innovative design technology. Some enterprises in the use of intelligent manufacturing technology greatly improves the production capacity at the same time, also caused a lot of overcapacity, enterprises blindly expand production, resulting in a waste of resources, so we must call for innovative design. Second, intelligent manufacturing technology to the combination of lean production. Chinese enterprises are mostly extensive production, we promote intelligent manufacturing, first of all to lean production, with lean production, intelligent is valuable. Third, intelligent manufacturing technology to be combined with the Internet of things technology. Fourth, intelligent manufacturing technology and virtual reality technology to combine. Fifth, intelligent manufacturing technology should be combined with pattern recognition. Sixth, intelligent manufacturing technology and robot technology to combine. Seventh, intelligent manufacturing technology and the combination of large data technology. Thus, intelligent manufacturing and robotics applications are not isolated, but complex systems engineering.




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