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Japan for 2020 years ago built a robot city
Article Source:technology media Update Time:2016-7-6

align="left"> According to reports, as the world's robot is one of the most developed country in science and technology, Japan has been paying attention to the development of robot generation and to practice. Recently, a company called Cyberdyne technology companies spent $54.68 million in tsukuba, Japan near bought an area of 84057 square meters of land, to build a called "Cybernic City" robot City.


Cyberdyne's chairman, said in the city, the robot will be involved in include medical, industrial, agricultural, all walks of life, complete all the basic work instead of humans. Thus, we can know the most intuitive, a large by robots replace human beings to work city, what, to be more clear weigh the advantages and disadvantages of them. In addition, we can also cooperate with some business institutions, let the robot to complete the operation of the city, including the kinds of crops, services and manufacturing, etc., will be done by robots. The city including an old house, a research centre, a hospital, square, park, and other infrastructure and basic services. And the city built in time, we hope that before the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.


The Japanese advanced technology on the robot technology makes us see the build robots city had certain expectations, and robot generations will bring us those aspects, let's wait and see the result of the city after the completion of together.


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