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Prospect of global market for medium-voltage motor
Article Source:IHS Update Time:2015-9-24

an face="">Medium voltage (MV) motor market performance is closely linked to the end user industry as well as the global economic situation. The euro zone economy is still in the recovery phase, the Chinese economy is slowing down, all kinds of geopolitical problems, the sharp drop in oil prices, the global recession, and so have exacerbated the global economic recession, with the recovery of the world economy in the past few years, the end user industry and the global economic situation, the importance of these two factors is becoming apparent.


Despite regional economic headwinds, the global economy is expected to continue to improve.


All three regions are faced with different economic difficulties, is expected to ease the overall market structure in the long term. In the face of the Greek debt crisis, the slow recovery of the euro area is expected to gain new momentum by adopting monetary stimulus policies, the devaluation of the euro and the potential need to be suppressed. While China's economic growth is slowing, but the other Asia Pacific region's major economies in India, is expected to lead the region (and global) growth, is expected in 2015 GDP growth of 7.5%. In the Americas region, the United States economy is subject to growing consumer spending and residential building support, while the Latin American countries, including Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil are trying to fight the economic downturn.


Looking to the future, the global economy is expected to eventually return to growth. So it can be predicted that a large number of dynamic capital investment activities, the demand for medium voltage motor will continue to grow.


Global medium voltage motor market in 2014 estimated value of $5.7 billion. IHS forecasts market will be down slightly downhill to $5.6 billion, fell by 1.9%, from 2015 to 2019, the income will be to 3.6% of years compound growth rate of growth, market size of $6.8 billion. Asia Pacific region in the three regions in 2014, the largest contribution to 2.7 billion . Asia Pacific region is expected to exceed the average level of the global market at the same time by 3.8% annual growth rate. IHS although the United States market in 2015 will be a 3.2% contraction, but by 2019 its growth will exceed the EMEA regional market, the annual compound growth rate of 3.6%, reaching $1.8 billion. In addition, as the world's largest medium voltage motor market in China, is expected to 2019 will maintain its market leading position, revenue reached $2.1 billion, equivalent to 30.8% of the market share. 2014 U.S. market is the world's second largest market, revenue of $902 million, to the U.S. market in 2019 is expected to continue to maintain the world's second largest market, revenue was $1.1billion.


The sharp drop in oil prices is receding, and demand is expected to increase by the end of the market.


In 2014, oil and gas, power generation, metals and mining industries are the main medium voltage motors, the market share of 22.3% ($1.3 billion), 16.2% ($923 million), 13.3% ($$7.579) and 11.4% ($651.7 million). In addition, the three major areas of industry performance has also changed a lot. For example, in 2014 EMEA is the largest consumer of oil and gas industry in the medium voltage motor, the Asia Pacific power and the metal industry is the largest market. In addition, the medium voltage motor suppliers in addition to top suppliers such as ABB and SIEMENS, often have their own well-known professional products or downstream industries, they can provide a comprehensive product portfolio in various fields. For example, China's top medium voltage motor supplier Shanghai electric machine, in the Asia Pacific region in 2014 to occupy a strong market for electricity and metal market.


In the forecast period, chemical, power generation, sewage treatment sub sectors are expected to grow at different growth rate, is expected in the forecast period, each industry will exceed the average annual compound growth rate of 4.6%, 5% and 5.5%, respectively. But the industry of cement, metal, mining, oil and natural gas, pulp and paper industry is expected to be lower than the average annual growth rate of 3%, 3.2%, 1.8%, 2.9% and 2.6%, respectively.


Because in the forecast period, the industry is growing, the industry market outlook is expected to change. Power generation is expected to further strengthen its position in the most high sub sectors, to 2019 accounted for 17.3% of the market (or $1.2 billion). In addition, chemical, water and sewage treatment, as well as commercial ship sub sectors are expected to increase market share, respectively, 8.1%, 6.6% and 7.6%. While on the other hand, the oil and gas industry in 2019 is still the largest sub sectors, but the forecast market share will fall by 0.8 percentage points, the market share fell to 21.5%. Cement, metals, mining, pulp and paper industry in the forecast period is expected to shrink, the annual compound growth rate is relatively low, respectively, 4.6%, 13%, 10.4% and 1.4%.

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