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Robot first autonomous implementation of soft tissue surgery
Article Source:Xinhua News Agency Update Time:2016-8-22

align="left"> Washington, May 4 (xinhua) 4 American scientists said, the first time they had proved that the robot can independently implement soft tissue surgery. The progress means that the robot surgery the doctor is coming to reality.


Researchers in the new issue of the journal science translational medicine, the report says, this is called "intelligent" organization automation robot device equipped with a robotic arm and surgical tools, pigs in vivo intestinal anastomosis surgery effect than surgical experts and the most well-known on the market at present "Da Vinci" robot assisted surgery system.


"We were astonished by research results" for research of the state children's health system expert Peter king said in a telephone press conference, "our goal is not to replace the surgeon, but to develop a tool to make surgery more intelligent, let patients get better effect of surgery."


Surgery robot concept have been available for years, but used on the market at present is like "Da Vinci" auxiliary system, they need to rely on the surgeon for manual control, the effect will vary due to personal level and experience.


Fully automated techniques previously confined to cut hard tissues such as bone surgery, applied in the soft tissue surgery is challenging, because the shape of the soft tissue changes easily. To this end, "intelligent" organization automation robot is equipped with intelligent imaging technology, can real-time tracking the three-dimensional changes of soft tissue, and the doctor set fluorescent tags to guide the implementation of soft tissue surgery.


When researchers do the robot surgery with surgical experts, "Da Vinci" auxiliary system of surgery after comparison, found that "intelligent" organization automation robot in suture, reconnect the bowel effect is best, and pigs are alive, no complications.


In order to prevent the "intelligent" organization automation robot error, the researchers supervised during the operation. Gold, said 40% of the time during the operation of the robots still need some small adjustments, the other 60% of the time without any intervention.


"We are like walking the child's parents, seriously looking after it," Kim said, "but the bottom line is, we proved that the soft tissue surgery can be fully automated manner by robots now."


He predicts that if all goes well, the application of this technology is expected to be two years in human patients.


The journal science translational medicine senior editor megan frisk said in a telephone press conference: "from tumor resection and airway reconstruction, robots could help reduce human error and surgery patients complications, therefore this achievement represents a new era."


Soft tissue surgery has a large market. According to statistics, the United States each year about 1 million cases of such anastomosis surgery is needed.




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