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Wisdom manufacturing to lead the industrial revolution
Article Source:China industry news Update Time:2016-10-11

align="left"> In 2016 May 10th, the cloud computing and big data in the development and application of the intelligent industry forum, the experts believe that the information technology and the global industrial system is a deep integration, has brought a profound change to the global industrial innovation, research and development, production and operation of industrial enterprises, marketing and management.

Step into the stage of intelligent integrated integration


In recent years, with the continuous improvement of cloud computing, networking and other technologies, especially large data and information technology to achieve new development, cloud manufacturing is expanding into the wisdom of cloud manufacturing". At the same time, the domestic and foreign manufacturing industry is the advanced stage of manufacturing industry informatization -- digital, interconnected, intelligent integrated set to become a feature of the wisdom of the manufacturing direction.


According to reports, China's intelligent terminal more than 2 billion 500 million, Internet users reached 600 million, 4G annual investment of 160 billion yuan. In this regard, the Ministry of industry software and integrated circuit Promotion Center for Cloud Computing Research Center Director Yang Dongri pointed out that cloud computing and big data showing the characteristics of giant scale state, the characterization of dynamic state, structure and value of dilute polymorphism, are facing great opportunities and challenges, big strategy, big industry, big mission.


Today, the global industry into the 4 era, the main features of the manufacturing industry shift and Internet intelligence, business operations are increasingly dependent on information technology, the entire value chain, manufacturing products of the entire life cycle involves a lot of data, can be said that the amount of data has become the industry to face many serious challenges and opportunities to rise.


In the process of integration of information system and industrial control, the function and value of information is to make the management mechanism and operation strategy, which is of vital importance to the development direction of industry 4. And artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data information technology can provide more opportunities for the traditional industrial development and business model transformation.


Should be based on the framework of new technology innovation


Jin Hai, Dean of the school of computer science and technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology pointed out that according to the prediction of the end of last century, the development trend of global manufacturing industry will show the market globalization, product individuation and diversification, to minimize the impact on the environment, the manufacturing process of the characteristics of agility, professional production enterprises. Today, the traditional cloud computing and big data architecture has been unable to meet the needs, to be based on the architecture of the new technology to change, showing a high efficiency, green, smart, intelligent integration architecture.


Jin Hai introduced to the manufacturing industry as a representative of the industry application data feature is that the structure and expression of norms, the growth rate is fast, high data processing time, high value density, high security requirements. But the application of cloud computing and big data in China is still far away, many technologies have not been resolved.

Feng Zhiyong, vice president of the school of computer science, believes that the depth of the integration of cloud computing and big data and various industries, will produce an unprecedented social and commercial value. One is the equipment of equipment integration, the interconnection of equipment into the pan era; two is the equipment of product integration, the formation of the value chain to the product as the center; three people - Equipment fusion, monitoring, analysis and control of the formation of online; four is the person - product integration, so the focus is changed from manufacturing to the user needs understanding and translation.


In fact, a new era of industrial cloud computing and big data applications will bring enterprise innovation and change, if the manufacturing enterprises can establish cloud computing and big data platform in the industrial environment, improve the ability of the plant to sort out the massive information collection of different equipment, high computing capability of enterprise information system and the ability to digest data that will make the enterprise can in the low cost operation at the same time, the effective realization of on-demand production, so as to realize the green production and improve the management efficiency of enterprises.

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