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Year-end review: China industrial steadily forward to write a brilliant
Article Source:China industrial news Update Time:2016-3-4


Time of pointer will point to 2016. <a href="/searchnews.html?search=P&select=8">Peiss, a shrine in the past, we also hope for a better future.


In 2015, the world economic tide turn slowly here. For a more open China, this is a period of extraordinary voyage. Economic fluctuations increase, exports and investment greatly reduced, economic operation is facing downward pressure continues to increase, and the difficulties of industrial most, most stressful situation was complex, the situation is particularly serious.


Industrial transformation and upgrading steps


All the difficulties and challenges in the face of industry, in the past year, the state council issued the industrial restructuring increases efficiency of steady growth of a series of important measures. This is the administration for industry policy is the most intensive one year. Industrial departments actively ShiCe, grasped the nettle and active, to concentrate on a batch of matter has had a profound impact on global, the focus of the work, to maintain the industrial operation of stabilization in slow, steady into laid a solid foundation, transformation and upgrading has further.


In 2015, expect the annual industrial output growth by about 6% 6%, reduce energy consumption, unit value added of industry water consumption reduced by 5%; Software and information technology services revenue growth around 16%, total quantity of telecom business, the business income rose to around 25% and 2%.


With industrial robots, new intelligent terminals, industrial design, high-grade CNC machine tools and so on as representative's emerging industries a good momentum of development, is expected to high technology industry for the whole year increased by 11%.


New energy car finally broke, year-on-year growth of more than 4 times, prompted China's production and marketing of new energy vehicles become the world's largest market, but also effectively promote the green economy development, cultivate a new growth point.


In backward and dissolve excess capacity, the year is expected to eliminate 13 million tons of iron and steel 17 million tons, 300000 tons of electrolytic aluminum and cement 38 million tons more than 11 million weight box, flat glass, dissolve the shipbuilding capacity of 15 million tons, electrolytic aluminium industry capacity utilization recovered to more than 80%, the market reversed transmission exit mechanism to accelerate the formation of excess capacity.


between the rise and fall of digital signal, the adjustment of industrial structure optimization, the ship still.


The China manufacturing 2025 painted manufactured powerhouse blueprint


We are in a great era. In the ring to meet China's VIP salute worldwide, China's international prestige is increasing every day. And the key to China's peaceful rise, accumulate over a long period, etc. in manufacturing.


Manufacturing as the foundation of the national economy strategic industries, is the core of the industry is also a pillar. After hundred years of strenuous for, efforts to pursue, now China has once again return to the position of the first big manufacturing, equipment manufacturing industry economy for many years in the world, for the comprehensive national strength enhanced played an important role that nots allow to ignore.


The development course of western industrialized countries has repeatedly proved that without a strong manufacturing industry, it is impossible to become a world power. Implement the strategy of manufacturing powerhouse, is not only the inherent requirement of China's economic development, and realize two goals in one hundred and the Chinese dream must solve major problems.


In 2015, our country to carry out the strategy of manufacturing power of action in the first decade of "made in China 2025" officially released. This is the first time in our country from the national strategic level construction blueprint manufacturing power, for steady growth, structural adjustment, turn way, comply with the new normal has important practical significance.


A year, China's high-speed rail, nuclear power in overseas to receive new orders. Important progress was made in a series of national science and technology major projects. From 28 nm process technology into mass production, to the C919 large passenger aircraft first machine assembly line, new turbofan regional aircraft ARJ21-700 delivery commercial aviation engines and gas turbine major projects launched.


Return from three periods of lunar exploration project reentry flight test successful completion of the task, to score 2 satellite put into use, the long March 5 rocket was developed new research. These breakthroughs are repeatedly shows that China's manufacturing sector again on history to a new stage. As a number of key generic system demonstration and product application, perfecting national manufacturing industry innovation system, China faces the global competition power close to achieving strategic goals is the commanding heights.


"The Internet +" for industries to inject new momentum


At present, a new round of industrial revolution and industrial revolution, is digital, network and intelligent as the core, to promote the major change in the manufacturing industry, the integration development of Internet and in various fields has become an inevitable trend of The Times. The emergence of "Internet +", as if is placed the wormhole in space and time, the unknown across the vast manufacturing accelerated to another bright and distant world.


Over the past year, industry authorities released the "Internet +" three-year plan of action, is put forward to a new generation of information and communication technology and the industrial depth fusion as the main line, the implementation of the "Internet +" manufacturing and the focus of "Internet +" the small micro enterprise, strive to play to high-speed broadband network infrastructure and the support of information technology industry, to build new industry competitive advantage.


This might be another uncommon in this period. "Internet +" will be the industry upgrading, Volkswagen has a positive role in promoting innovation and network development. "Internet +" in the field of collaborative manufacturing, financial, etc, to make new products, new technologies, new forms and new patterns are emerging, add new momentum to the economy.

Over the past year, tens of thousands of small micro enterprises under the policy of pratt &whitney bones and muscles, strong. Government departments continue deepening the reform of administrative examination and approval system to release the bonus. Through constant innovation management and decentralization, entrepreneurial innovation for the enterprise wrecker plays, create a good development environment and atmosphere. Figures show that only in the industrial departments, cumulative down adjustment 26 for examination and approval matters, nearly half of the original examination and approval of projects.


Enterprise burden reduce constantly, enterprises charges cleaning efforts fruitful. Cancel the central level 45 administrative fees and 89 front intermediary service items of administrative examination and approval items, reduce the 19 charge standard, can reduce the burden of a year more than 14 billion yuan. At the same time, regional park (exemption and reduction, delay) of enterprises charging items, more than 500 can reduce the burden of 100 billion yuan of above.


In the "double gen" policy under the guidance, micro, small and medium enterprises is growing at a rapid momentum through the most difficult period. 1 ~ 11 month national registered enterprises grew by 19% year on year, remain high growth. At the same time, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size up 8% from a year earlier, faster than the overall industrial growth, the market is full of vitality


Looking back to 2015, China's industrial overcome difficult, withstood the multiple crucible, and create more development achievements and glory, this itself is a kind of valuable strength. Outlook 2016, we believe that with the party central committee and the state council a series of steady growth, structural adjustment, promote the reform, livelihood, policies and measures of risk prevention effect appeared in succession, make steady progress of the construction of the power network power, the development of China's industry will usher in more new momentum, China's industry will be more beautiful tomorrow. We are confident.

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