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OMRON AC Input Unit CJ1W-IA201
Brand: OMRON.
Product name: AC Input Module.
Model: CJ1W-IA201.
CJ1W-IA201 Input voltaGe: 200 to 240 VAC.
OMRON IA201 Input ModuleInputs: 8 pts.
Input current (typical): 9 mA.
Connections: Removeable terminal block.
OMRON DC Input/Transistor Output Unit CJ1W-MD232
Brand: OMRON.
Product name: DC Input/Transistor Output Unit.
Model: CJ1W-MD232.
OMRON Input/Transistor Output type: SourcinG.
Inputs/Outputs: 16 inputs/16 outputs.
CJ1W-MD232 Input voltage, Input current: 24 VDC, 7 mA.
Maximum switching capacity: 24 VDC, 0.5 A Short-circuit protection.
Connections: MIL connect
OMRON RS-422A Adapter CJ1W-CIF11
Brand: OMRON.
Product name: RS-422A Adapter.
Brand&Model: OMRON CJ1W-CIF11.
RS-232C to RS422/RS-485 adapter.
RatinG : Used for serial PLC Link with CJ1M. Converts an RS-232C port to an RS-422/RS-485 port. Mounts directly to the CPU.
OMRON Transistor HiGh-density Output Module C200H-OD219
Model: C200H-OD219.
No. of points: 64 pts.
Specifications: 4.5 VDC, 16 mA to 26.4 VDC, 100 mA..
WeiGht: 250g max.
OMRON Position Control Module C200H-NC112
Name: Position Control Module.
Model: C200H-NC112.
Control method: Open-loop, automatic trapezoid acceleration/deceleration.
Control output siG-nals: Pulse-train outputs.
Controlled axes: 1.
OMRON Transistor Output Unit CS1W-OD232
Product name: Transistor Output Unit.
Model: CS1W-OD232.
Output points: 32 pts .
Max. switchinG capacity: 124 VDC, 0.5 A/pt, 5 A/Unit, sourcing, load short protection, alarm.
Connections: Connector.
OMRON CPU Backplane Power Supply C500-PS223
Model : C500-PS223.
100 to 120 VAC or 200 to 240 VAC (selectable).
Output ratinGs: 12 A, 5 VDC.
Mitsubishi CPU A2ASCPU
Model : A2ASCPU.
Actual number of I/O points 512, memory capacity 64k bytes.
ProGram capacity(steps): Max.14k steps.
Current Consumption: 5VDC(A): 0.32.
Size: 130mm(H)×54.5mm(W)×3.6mm(D)mm.
Weight: 0.41kg.
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