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OMRON SYSMAC Training System C200H-ETL01-E
Includes text book, cassette tape, and input switch board.
OMRON Fuzzy Training System C200H-ETL13-E
Includes a Fuzzy Training System Manual, a Main Unit, a C200H-MR831 Memory Unit, a C200H-PRO27-E Programming Console, a C200H-CN222 Cable for the Programming Console, C500-SU981-E Fuzzy Training Software, an RS-232C Cable, and a carrying belt.
OMRON Fuzzy Logic Unit C200H-FZ001
Programmed using the Fuzzy Support Software. Up to 8 inputs and 4 outputs.
OMRON Bus Connection Unit C200HW-CE001
Connects SYSMAC LINK Unit, Controller Link Unit to CPU Unit.
For 1 Unit.
OMRON Bus Connection Unit C200HW-CE002
Connects SYSMAC LINK Unit, Controller Link Unit to CPU Unit.
For 2 Unit.
OMRON Bus Connection Unit C200HW-CE012
Commonly used with other Communications Units.
OMRON PC Card Unit C200HW-PCU01
A memory card suitable for Phoenix PCM+3.2 and one of thefollowing Bus Connection Units is required. No PC card is provided with the Unit.
OMRON Ethernet Set C200HW-PCS01-EV1
A memory card suitable for Phoenix PCM+3.2 and one of thefollowing Bus Connection Units is required. No PC card is provided with the Unit.
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