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ABB reached a strategic cooperation with Changhong to enter the field of industrial robots
Article Source:Xinhua Technology Update Time:2017-2-21

Is a global leader in industrial robots, is a China appliances intelligent manufacturing vanguard, impel manufacturing 2025 national strategy on the China, August 16th, ABB and Changhong together, the first marriage of all-round strategy "".


Reporters learned that just held in the "Changhong -ABB signed a strategic cooperation and application of robot joint laboratory opening ceremony", and cooperation between the two sides will focus on the field of industrial robots, to carry out in-depth cooperation in the development, production, system integration and so on, sharing quality resources, the joint development of Chinese market, which also marks Changhong entered the field of industrial robot.


At the same time, the two sides set up in Sichuan, Chengdu, China's first robot application joint laboratory was officially opened in order to capture key technologies in the field. In addition to the depth of cooperation in the field of industrial robots, the future of Changhong and ABB will also cooperate in the field of home appliances and related fields.


Together to build a new high level of intelligent manufacturing


At present, with the rapid development of the Internet, the Internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies, the traditional manufacturing enterprises put forward new challenges. Under the background of "made in China 2025", the traditional manufacturing enterprises how to grasp the opportunity and find a breakthrough in the challenge, which is a common problem for enterprises.


Different industries have different understanding of intelligent manufacturing." Changhong relevant responsible person said, intelligent manufacturing is not only in robotics, automation equipment, information technology and other technical means to meet the internal armed factory, manufacturing efficiency improvement; is to stand in the perspective of consumers, the consumer demand as the highest standard of intelligent manufacturing, R & D, production and sales of reverse considerations, all services etc. the life cycle of each link, therefore, Changhong intelligent manufacturing philosophy is "large-scale customized personalized human center".


Mass customization of personalized, automation plays an important role in the whole life cycle, including production flow automation, material flow automation, information flow automation, and the robot is the main means to realize automation, is an important factor in promoting industrial transformation, improve the level of manufacturing process.


It is true that with the advancement of manufacturing power policy, the domestic demand for robots is ushering in a blowout. ABB is one of the world's leading suppliers of industrial robotics, providing a complete portfolio of robots, software, peripherals, modular manufacturing units, systems integration and customer service. Up to now, the total installed capacity of the world has more than 300000 units, with the rapid development of China's intelligent manufacturing industry, China has become one of the largest ABB market.


Changhong as a typical representative of China manufacturing industry, Sichuan province is the largest industrial enterprises in recent years, the company to "intelligent manufacturing" for traction, is trying to explore a suitable traditional household electrical appliance enterprises intelligent transformation of the road, with the ability of intelligent manufacturing system, Changhong in 2015 to become the national one of the first pilot project of intelligent manufacturing unit.


According to the Ministry website, for the implementation of the "People's Republic of China and the Ministry of information industry and economy of Federal Republic of Germany and the Department of energy will promote the enterprises to carry out bilateral memorandum of understanding" intelligent manufacturing and production process of network cooperation, promote pragmatic cooperation between China and Germany in the field of intelligent manufacturing, field defense, enterprise expert group assessment and other aspects of high standards selected in 2016 the first batch of Sino German cooperation in intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration project. Changhong based personalized custom home appliance intelligent manufacturing digital virtual factory model building has become the only selected projects in the west, but also the only selected units in the color TV industry.


Changhong and ABB combined, will build a new level of intelligent manufacturing. The general manager of Sichuan Changhong Electronics Group Holdings Limited Li Jin said, "today's signing ceremony will be both complementary advantages, resource sharing, mutual benefit and win-win, we believe that the two sides closer and deeper cooperation, not only conducive to the long-term development of enterprises of the two sides, there are conducive to the transformation and upgrading of Chinese manufacturing industry, more conducive to the revitalization of and the development of Chinese appliance industry."


Complementary resources to build robot joint laboratory


As an important part of Changhong and ABB strategic cooperation, the two sides set up Chinese West China's first robot application in Sichuan Chengdu joint laboratory, to overcome key technology related fields, has taken an important step in the strategic cooperation between the two sides.


"By Changhong and ABB both in sincere cooperation in various fields of robot technology and market, talent cultivation, Changhong will promote the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing, to provide a better system for Chinese intelligent manufacturing solutions." Dr. Pan Xiaoyong, general manager of Changhong intelligent manufacturing company. It is reported that earlier this year, Changhong in order to accelerate the transformation and upgrading, development of manufacturing services, through the integration of Changhong in the smart manufacturing research and development, production and marketing of the whole industry chain of resources and capabilities, the establishment of the Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co. Ltd., Changhong intelligent transformation has taken a solid step, but also further strengthen the Changhong in the smart the manufacturing field of discourse.


Dr. Pan Xiaoyong said, Changhong intelligent manufacturing company in industrial engineering, industrial automation, manufacturing information integration technology (IE+AT+IT) as the core ability, to become a leading intelligent manufacturing system integration service providers, providing intelligent manufacturing system solution service for the discrete manufacturing industry, including auto line, equipment, industrial robots and factory information the control system, and other business services. As Changhong's intelligent manufacturing planners and implementers, to promote the transformation and upgrading of Changhong's overall intelligent manufacturing, the promotion of advanced technology and experience. At the same time, Changhong intelligent manufacturing company will also rely on the parent company to actively explore and practice to promote the development of traditional equipment to digital, networked, intelligent direction.


ABB robotics China District President Li Gang said, Changhong reserves a large number of manufacturing technology in the industrial field, at the same time, has accumulated rich experience in intelligent manufacturing, while ABB has a strong technical and market accumulation in the field of industrial robots, both rely on the joint laboratory, to carry out cooperation in the development, production, system integration and so on, will effectively promote the the traditional home appliance manufacturing industry, and Chinese manufacturing industry, to develop more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, higher quality, more efficient, to achieve a win-win situation.


Li Hongjun, deputy director of the Commission by letter, said at the signing ceremony in Sichuan, Changhong and ABB deepen cooperation, will promote the development of Western Sichuan as a robot industry has played an exemplary role. At the same time, through the laboratory robot application, helps to speed up the training of personnel and the introduction of robot application integration, application integration and overall promotion of Southwest robot research and development ability, at the same time, also helps to speed up the construction of the "advanced manufacturing province", to make Sichuan the West Highland robot industry development.


The analysis of industry observers said that with the Changhong -ABB robot application laboratory in Chengdu officially completed, marking Changhong an important step in the transformation of the intelligent manufacturing service providers, which is consistent with the recent release of the Ministry of national development and Reform Commission, China Academy of Engineering "development of service oriented manufacturing special action guide" spirit.


"Guide" to further implement the "2025" Chinese manufacturing, observers said, "in the intelligent manufacturing work in advance, the world's top Changhong actively integrate resources, through strategic cooperation with ABB, is conducive to further solid and stronger intelligent manufacturing, Changhong intelligent strategy continued to escort landing."


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