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Chinese companies from made in China 2025 how far
Article Source:surging news Update Time:2015-9-28

Intelligent manufacturing is just a distant vision for many of the newly finished manufacturing enterprises.


How long will it take to jump from the world's largest manufacturing powerhouse to the manufacturing powerhouse? In accordance with this year in May issued a "China made 2025," the outline of the strategic blueprint and upgrade timetable, just ten years. In this paper, known as the Chinese version of the industry 4, China will strive to enter the ranks of the manufacturing power in ten years, and in the world's manufacturing power in the world's top. Today, this file landing a few months, but for many just completed the automation of manufacturing enterprises, intelligent manufacturing is just a vision, road resistance and long.


Interest in strong, but lack of understanding


"Interested customers a lot, they have this demand also has a budget, but now the problem is that customers are not clear to their needs, we need to spend a lot of time to help them diagnose, what problems, where the development of the wisdom of the plant should start, which is a complex process." Shanghai international automotive manufacturing technology and equipment and materials at the recently held, yi Ke (Tianjin) Electronics Co., Ltd. General Manager Zhang Xin told the surging news, compared to German companies clear upgrade targets, many domestic enterprises in the industry 4 and intelligent manufacturing although very interested, but often not really understand the profound meaning of these words, like the FAW Volkswagen, this kind of business, you can clearly list the needs. But a lot of customers not only need not clear, even a certain demand can not be achieved is still a question mark."


As the "Chinese made 2025" is often regarded as the "German industry 4" as a mirror, the wisdom of the industry in the United States is also derived from the concept of European and American industry, a typical case is the German industry leader SIEMENS in the local establishment of the Amberg electronics factory, as well as in Chengdu, Sichuan Amberg sister factory. In the German industry 4 strategy report, the smart plant means that humans, machines and resources to achieve mutual communication, as natural social networks. Intelligent products "know" how they are made out of detail, and they know their uses.


After graduating from Tsinghua University, Department of computer science, Zhang Xin went to Germany "traditional Polytechnic Sanqiang" Darmstadt University of technology study, after graduation to enter the German industrial automation field, Germany after five years in the early 1990s, home business. Under his leadership, the company from the development of industrial automation control products, is committed to providing customers with the wisdom of the plant and intelligent manufacturing solutions.


In a continuous line from Siemens digital factory visitors can be seen on the domestic enterprise intelligent plant high spirits. And Zhang Xin is just as good at this business, not in the minority. Intelligent manufacturing, industrial 4, they introduce the information of the Chinese Communist Party, and its concept of the wisdom of the factory dismantling, but also with SIEMENS and other German companies are very similar.


According to Zhang Xin, the listing Corporation, large state-owned enterprises or industry leader in the company is often more intelligent manufacturing desire. "But there are many traditional enterprises, may also be between 2 and 3, now said to do 4, the span is still relatively large."


Investment power where?


Bosch Rexroth is an active participant in Siemens in another German industrial 4 program. In the eyes of Bosch Rexroth China factory automation business sales vice president of China and Germany industrial 4.0 and Chinese manufacturing 2025 coverage is not consistent, the extension of the former. "German industry 4 focus on the design and upgrading of the whole industrial chain, China made 2025 proposed by the industry, one of the 4 part of the link of intelligent manufacturing."


Before I go to see customers, a lot of people will be confused with automation and industry 4, in fact, this is the two concept. China manufacturing 2025 does not represent a high degree of automation, industrial 4 is in a certain degree of automation manufacturing industry based on the integration process, reduce costs." Liu Tianpeng said, how to integrate people into the production line is the key, which is the key to industrial 4. The core is people, not machines. For those who are still in the manufacturing industry 2 wandering, it may take 3-5 years to change their thinking, and then spend 3-5 years to upgrade equipment."

That Chinese enterprise is still in the digestion process of the concept of intelligent manufacturing, as well as from Germany Deman forest. "Chinese customers are not currently on the German industrial 4 of the requirements of the product. I think this idea is still stuck in the stage of enterprise management, the next five years, will be from the management layer slowly extended to the production process." TRUMPF (China) Co., Ltd. sales Deputy General Manager Lindemann (Lindemann Markus) in the aforementioned show on surging news. The company's parent company of Germany fast laser group is the world's largest laser enterprises, Lindemann was stationed in Shanghai to develop the Chinese market for up to five years.


In about five years of experience in China, Lin Deman said: "I think the fact China customers have not changed, the change is germany. For example, Chinese customers are very valued at the price, sometimes in comparison to the two competitors, they do not carefully study the configuration and advanced level of the machine. To see the two price, it will pick a cheaper one. After years of accumulated experience in China, the German company's ideas have changed, since you value the price, we can give you the cheapest price, but the price is the most basic configuration. This strategy has been proved to be very successful in the Chinese market, after several years of development."


For this, Zhang Xin: "German entrepreneurs differ greatly with the concept of. Chinese entrepreneurs may be more important to see the value of the output, profit. The talent education ideas of the two countries are also very different."


On the other side of the profit margins, is highly sensitive to the cost of upgrading. Smart manufacturing understanding of the ambiguity, the cost of the transformation is sensitive, will block the pace of China's manufacturing enterprises to continue to upgrade, especially for those who have just completed the automation of the enterprise, perhaps not have too much power to become "China made 2025" promoter.


"The economist" magazine recently published an article entitled "still made in China", the article quoted consulting company (), Dai Jiahui (Bain) Bain (Dyer Stephen) evaluation, said, "China made 2025" in those more modest goals may be successful. The short-term goal of the program is to improve the quality, productivity and digital, and to expand the use of CNC machine tools. Dai Jiahui pointed out that all of these have been widely used in other countries of the world class manufacturing enterprises. Maybe it is helpful to promote investment in backward enterprises Chinese do all one can to catch up. But before seeing business interests, companies may not have the power to invest, you can not urge the company to invest. If they don't, they will not do it."

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